Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tidbit Tuesday

I have a 15 pager due tomorrow, so I'm short on time. But thought I'd leave you with a little gem of sorts. 

Dear Ladies, 

IT'S CALLED A THONG. I don't know if you know this, but when you're wearing pants, shorts, anything rather snug, your granny panties are NOT the best choice for undies. Stop making me feel like a huge jerk when I give you the "what the hell are you doing" look and acting all surprised when I say your outfit is null and void when there is a visible panty line. I don't care if those are J Brand Jeans, or 1500 dollar slacks, IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE BECAUSE YOU RUINED THEM by showing us your lack of taste by having on granny panties. Also, to the ladies who show crack, or whose panties ride up to....oh, say MID BACK, it's time we go to fashion kindergarten and learn how to dress. No one wants to see your crack, and no one wants to see your gnarly fruit of the loom panties from 1998. I'm sorry, it's just not ok. And don't even get me started on the thongs with gemstones that are specifically made for showing off, that's a whole new level of trash.  You might as well pack up your crap and move out to the Jersey Shore with these "classy broads". 

snoookie, JWOW, and the other skanks (excuse me, guidettes) will welcome you. you and your bejeweled thong.

SO, long story short. No panty lines por favor. 

Any fashion faux paus that really make your eyes hurt? Spill. I know I'm not alone on this one. 


  1. Okay I get your point but really when the pants come off no man wants to see that little piece of sting swallowed up in an ass the size of the titanic either...just saying.

  2. oh i agree, but that's what sexy little boy shorts are for! I'm just anti-panty line, I don't care HOW you do it!! :)

  3. I agree... but I hate the whole thong wayyyy riding up too.. uggh.. girls just need to be classy.

  4. my little bro's ex gf would go to all of his football games, mean mug me, and be wearing these short ass shorts that were smaller than a baby's diaper. she wore the SAME PAIR of short shorts (if you can even call them shorts) to all the games. the two times she wore jeans (SAME PAIR, again) her buttcrack was fully exposed and you could see her jeweled thong. my mom made me promise i wouldn't call her out in front of her friends, so i just waited until i saw her in the bathroom...

  5. Tapered jeans for men.

    Every boyfriend I have, I systematically get them out of them as fast as possible.

  6. I agree with your post and your comment about booty shorts. And that is all.

    Stop going to school thxbai lol

  7. P.S that chick from smallville is HOT. So that is a compliment. I used to girl crush on her.

  8. black or white undergarments under white clothes. um, don't these girls know flesh tone colored bras and undies are necessary here? unless they're purposefully going for the chola look.

  9. HAHA! amen sister! i hate panty lines but you know what i hate more...the uncomfort that comes with thongs. i much prefer the boy cut look but dontchawurry friend...no panty lines here.

  10. I can't stand when people wear backless shirts/dresses and wear a regular bra.

  11. haha this is so true. Panty lines are my biggest pet peeve!!! I can't stand seeing them


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