Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hii! Member me? No? I don't blame you.... lemme break it down for ya....

My Master's program is coming to a close, I have my comprehensive exams next Saturday and then the next Tuesday. What are those? Pure miz. The first part is 5 hours of written exam on everything I've learned in 2 years. The second part is an oral exam that last about an hour. Weeee. Not. So I'm buried under books.

Tomorrow night I'm going to see The Big Pink! I'm so excited to see them live! Will def. post pics!

I'm going to be kind of MIA till after the big exams are over, but don't think I haven't forgotten about you! Can't wait to be back for realz.

Hope everyone had a great Easter and is enjoying this GORGEOUS spring weather, and yes, my inner Chihuahua is REJOICING.



  1. I've miiissssseeeed you! Good luck with the miz exams, and get you ass back to blogland soon! :)

  2. Good luck with your Masters :)
    Enjoy the show tomorrow night.

  3. Yes, isn't the weather glorious?!! Can't get enough of it! Good luck with your Masters! Kick some butt, kay?

  4. you're inner chihuahua will be seeing me this weekend, missy! xo

  5. holy jeebers. that's one hell of a work load. good luck with it all!

  6. Good luck! Don't stay gone too long!

  7. I really have misssssssed your blogs!!! But I'll forgive you since you need to study for school and what not... good luck with all those tests!

    And I am so freaking jealous that you're going to the big pink!!!!!

  8. Eek - good luck with your exams!

  9. You will totally rock them out. With your cock (them) out.

  10. Good luck on your exams! Party it up when you're done.


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