So I have a post ready to be posted, but I couldn't find the humor to post it tonight.
Today I found out that a sorority sister passed away. We don't know the details, but it has me reeling. I'm not a mushy chick, and I avoid writing about things like this. I've dealt with a lot of death in my life, and it's not something I typically go on about. Was this my best friend who passed away? No. But regardless, it's not easy to swallow.
Basically, today, I want everyone to put her and her family in your thoughts, and to take a minute. Breathe, smile for everything you have, and live your life. Just live your life, don't worry about what you're wearing, who looked at you the wrong way, just be here for the love and happiness that the world has to offer. I know I bitch, moan and complain a lot on the blog, and I know I judge, I worry about my clothes, etc. But today I want to live for my friend, and smile for her. So smile for what you've got people, 'cause we never know what's next.
Sultans of Swing
3 days ago