SO. MFAMB does the most amazing recaps of I'm not trying to steal her recaps. The only recap action I will give you is that Tate is ON FIRE with his smack talk tonight....dayum boy. And Violet's scary Precious Moment Doll eyes are so so sad.
poor little Vy...
1. Every Wednesday night when I was this show, I have to either a. drink myself down, or b. stay up zombie faced and watch like 3 more hours of TV so I can forget what just assaulted my face/brain.
2. I used to want a basement....eff that noise. NOT happening anymore. Thanks AHS. one in Texas really has basements so it's not the end of the world...
3. I will NEVER EVER, never ever, NEVER EVER, go into an attic again. I already am afraid of them...and now it's just unbearable.
4. I will automatically assume that people who give me the stink eye at work are actually dead zombies who are trapped at work forever and can't leave and they are just jealous....far-fetched....but true.
5. I AM SO SO SO SCARED OF THE DENTIST NOW. Which really grinds my gears, especially since the dentist was the ONE doctor that I wasn't petrified of....I am a total hippie inside and don't like western meds or doctors very much. Me and my chiropractor and holistic doc and acupuncturist are BFF's though.
6. I am now 1,000,000,000,000,000,000% sure that I am psychic and sensitive to the supernatural. If red nailed cray cray lady is, then I for SURE am.
That's it for now...but good NIGHT, this episode is just all kinds of freaking me out already... My self diagnosed ADDDDDDDD is about to kick in and this blog post is going to eat shit and die if I try to keep writing....
oh and check out MFAMB, she's the tits.
pee.ess...has anyone noticed if something is up with Violet's teeth??? Did she get veneers???